Principles of Marketing

The comprehensive, classic principles text organized around an innovative customer-value and customer-relationship framework
The comprehensive, classic principles text organized around an innovative customer-value and customer-relationship framework.
How do you integrate customer value and customer relationships into your course?
Innovative customer-value and customer-relationships framework captures the essence of today’s marketing. Today’s marketers must be good at creating customer value and managing customer relationships. Kotler/Armstrong presents an innovative customer value framework that is introduced at the start of Chapter 1 in a five-step marketing process model, which details how marketing creates customer value and captures value in return. The framework is carefully explained in the first two chapters, providing students with a solid foundation. The framework is then integrated throughout the remainder of the text. Five value themes are found throughout the text:
Creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return.
Building and managing strong, value-creating brands.
Managing return on marketing to recapture value.
o New Appendix 2: Marketing by the Numbers, This new comprehensive appendix introduces students to the marketing financial analysis that helps to guide, assess and support marketing decisions in this age of marketing accountability. page A-11 - A-26
Harnessing new marketing technologies.
Marketing in a socially responsible way around the globe.
Chapters 1 & 2 explain the themes, and then they are integrated throughout the text
How do get your students interested in marketing? What kinds of resources do you use to bring examples into your course?
Real value through real marketing examples. Kotler and Armstrong are known for telling the stories that reveal the drama of modern marketing, using contemporary examples such as NASCAR, BestBuy, Nike, Harrah’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Lexus, Apple Computer, the NBA, and more. These examples make research much easier for an instructor, as all current examples are already integrated into the book.
NASCAR, p. 2-3
BestBuy, p. 24
Dunkin' Donuts Video Case, p. 31
Lexus, p. 14
Apple Computer, p. 141, 253-254
Did you know that Philip Kotler was recently ranked as the fourth "Most Influential Business Writer/Management Guru" of the 21st century?"
The recently published article conducted by The Financial Times polled over 1, 000 chief executives in 25 countries around the world and ranked people who had the most influence in business theory and practice in the past year (2005). To view the complete ranking as a. pdf document, please visit:
http://news. ft. com/cms/88762712-576c-11da-b7ea-00000e25118c. pdf
Part 1–Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process 2
1. Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships 2
2. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 34
Part 2–Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers 62
3. The Marketing Environment 62
4. Managing Marketing Information 94
5. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 128
6. Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior 158
Part 3–Designing a Customer-Driven Strategy and Marketing Mix 182
7. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creativing Value for Target Customers 182
8. Product, Services, and Branding Strategies 216
9. New-Product Development and Life-Cycle Strategies 250
10. Pricing Products: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 282
11. Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies 306
12. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management 332
13. Retailing and Wholesaling 364
14. Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy 396
15. Advertising and Public Relations 424
16. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 450
17. Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships 478
Part 4–Extending Marketing 514
18. Creating Competitive Advantage 514
19. The Global Marketplace 540
20. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility 570
1. Marketing Plan A-1
2. Marketing by the Numbers A-11
3. Careers in Marketing A-27
References R-1
Glossary G-1
Credits C-1
Index I-1.
The comprehensive, classic principles text organized around an innovative customer-value and customer-relationship framework.
How do you integrate customer value and customer relationships into your course?
Innovative customer-value and customer-relationships framework captures the essence of today’s marketing. Today’s marketers must be good at creating customer value and managing customer relationships. Kotler/Armstrong presents an innovative customer value framework that is introduced at the start of Chapter 1 in a five-step marketing process model, which details how marketing creates customer value and captures value in return. The framework is carefully explained in the first two chapters, providing students with a solid foundation. The framework is then integrated throughout the remainder of the text. Five value themes are found throughout the text:
Creating value for customers in order to capture value from customers in return.
Building and managing strong, value-creating brands.
Managing return on marketing to recapture value.
o New Appendix 2: Marketing by the Numbers, This new comprehensive appendix introduces students to the marketing financial analysis that helps to guide, assess and support marketing decisions in this age of marketing accountability. page A-11 - A-26
Harnessing new marketing technologies.
Marketing in a socially responsible way around the globe.
Chapters 1 & 2 explain the themes, and then they are integrated throughout the text
How do get your students interested in marketing? What kinds of resources do you use to bring examples into your course?
Real value through real marketing examples. Kotler and Armstrong are known for telling the stories that reveal the drama of modern marketing, using contemporary examples such as NASCAR, BestBuy, Nike, Harrah’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Lexus, Apple Computer, the NBA, and more. These examples make research much easier for an instructor, as all current examples are already integrated into the book.
NASCAR, p. 2-3
BestBuy, p. 24
Dunkin' Donuts Video Case, p. 31
Lexus, p. 14
Apple Computer, p. 141, 253-254
Did you know that Philip Kotler was recently ranked as the fourth "Most Influential Business Writer/Management Guru" of the 21st century?"
The recently published article conducted by The Financial Times polled over 1, 000 chief executives in 25 countries around the world and ranked people who had the most influence in business theory and practice in the past year (2005). To view the complete ranking as a. pdf document, please visit:
http://news. ft. com/cms/88762712-576c-11da-b7ea-00000e25118c. pdf
Part 1–Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process 2
1. Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships 2
2. Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 34
Part 2–Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers 62
3. The Marketing Environment 62
4. Managing Marketing Information 94
5. Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 128
6. Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior 158
Part 3–Designing a Customer-Driven Strategy and Marketing Mix 182
7. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creativing Value for Target Customers 182
8. Product, Services, and Branding Strategies 216
9. New-Product Development and Life-Cycle Strategies 250
10. Pricing Products: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 282
11. Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies 306
12. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management 332
13. Retailing and Wholesaling 364
14. Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy 396
15. Advertising and Public Relations 424
16. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 450
17. Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships 478
Part 4–Extending Marketing 514
18. Creating Competitive Advantage 514
19. The Global Marketplace 540
20. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility 570
1. Marketing Plan A-1
2. Marketing by the Numbers A-11
3. Careers in Marketing A-27
References R-1
Glossary G-1
Credits C-1
Index I-1.
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