Biopsy Interpretation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Mucosa Volume 1: Non-Neoplastic

One of the best-selling titles in the highly regarded Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Mucosa Volume 1: Non-Neoplastic, Fourth Edition, by Drs. Lysandra Voltaggio and Elizabeth A. Montgomery, provides practical, highly illustrated information on mucosal biopsies from the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. Well-organized and highly readable, this fully revised volume offers the information you need to successfully navigate both common and unusual issues that arise in the day-to-day interpretation of gastrointestinal biopsies. Volume One focuses on non-neoplastic entities; also available is Volume Two, your complete guide to neoplastic gastrointestinal lesions.
- Helps you evaluate the full range of non-neoplastic GI tract mucosa samples and recognize their distinguishing features
- Provides thorough, well-illustrated coverage of autoimmune gastritis, sexually transmitted infectious proctitis, inflammatory bowel disease and mimics, medication-induced injury, and much more
- Contains new content on congenital enteropathies and drug associated injury.
- Features hundreds of full-color illustrations that capture the characteristic appearance of most mucosal biopsies of the gastrointestinal tract
- Offers additional images and dozens of review questions and answers online
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-- 1009,80 leiPRP: 1122,00 lei
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- 1670,76 leiPRP: 1856,40 lei
-- 1009,80 leiPRP: 1122,00 lei
- 1170,45 leiPRP: 1300,50 lei
- 1670,76 leiPRP: 1856,40 lei